
Basic Policies

  • Management independence is respected, and no capital policy is exercised
  • Non-interference in human resource policies
  • Prohibition of gifting and entertaining

Review the evaluation systems of partner companies based on these policies.

Specific Measures

1. Trust with Partner Companies

We strive to seek a full understanding of our policies and technologies with the top management of our partners.
Our top-level management will accurately grasp the management stance of partner companies and confirm compatibility.

2. Consistent Orders

We aim to place orders consistently, with few peaks and valleys.

3. Provision of Quality Work

We provide key work for the top companies in their industries.

4. Advance Disclosure of Plans

We support the business plans of partners by disclosing staffing plans in advance.

5. Unified Point of Contact

We strive to standardize contract conditions by unifying the point of contact.

6. Establish Terms and Conditions Based on an Objective Evaluation System

We evaluate partners objectively based on over 50 criteria, including management policy, management capability, product quality, productivity, etc., and incorporate the results into orders.

7. Support the Strengthening of Corporate Structure by Providing Know-How

We support the strengthening of corporate structure by providing expertise in production management, new technologies, etc.

8. Mutual Understanding of Confidentiality, Copyrights, Patent Rights, and Liability

We build trust through a mutual understanding of confidentiality, copyrights, patent rights, and liability.

9. Elimination of Business Conflicts

In principle, for the clients we have pledged one field one company to, the terms and conditions of the transaction stipulate that we will not accept software development orders from a competitor of the client.

10. Prohibition of Direct Transactions with Clients

We prohibit direct transactions with our clients.